by Michelle Morin Many times I am asked by some of the most well-intended yet concerned people, “Michelle, why do you do what you do? It all seems like a losing battle.” Admittedly, the longer I engage in current events and politics, the more “interesting” it becomes. It’s a battle, …
tea party
Will Colorado State GOP Completely Drive Off a Leftist Cliff with Ryan Call or Turn Back to the Right?
Today’s the day. It’s election day in the Colorado State GOP. It’s the day the Republican Party – both here in Colorado and nationally – either drives off a leftist cliff or turns back to the right and starts to become the party which can actually stand up to and …
See "Occupy Unmasked" and Meet Ex-Liberal Anita MonCrief in Colorado Springs – Friday 10/5
Coming to Colorado Springs for one afternoon only… What is the “Occupy” movement? What does it stand for? Who is behind it? What do these people want? Is anything good coming from it, or does it have a more sinister agenda? Is it just a mix of concerned college students …
Don't be Fooled, No Deal Reached, RNC Brawl Goes On –> Tuesday 3am Email from Insider
Since my last post about the RNC Rules Committee power grab, word on the street was that a deal had been reached to avert a floor brawl, but that’s just not so. See this letter from RNC insider delegate Morton Blackwell, sent out at 3am this morning: Dear Fellow Delegate, …
RNC Floor Brawl, Time to Take the Gloves Off –> "Establishment" Set to Neuter Grassroots
Alas, the battle for the soul of the GOP wages on… and the “establishment” power-grabbers in the Party rang the bell for the first major brawl on the RNC floor. This one has everything to do with this Republic and the Republican party which is supposed to be fighting for …
Biden: Imagine Where We'd Be if the Tea Party Hadn't Obstructed Us [VIDEO]
More from the most embarrassing man who ever sat in the seat of Vice President…. but this time he’s probably right (can’t believe I just wrote that). Where would we be if the “tea party” hadn’t obstructed all that it has? h/t Washington Examiner’s Charlie Spiering ——————————- Michelle Morin is a …
4th Annual Colorado Springs Tax Day Tea Party – Sunday April 15
in Events, Tea Party Movement, USA Founding Principles, We the People
on April 11, 2012
|This nation is in a Constitutional crisis. It’s time to rally together, unite around America’s founding principles, and send a clear message to those who would fundamentally transform this greatest of all nations. It’s time to go to the 2012 Election Year Tax Day Tea Party Please join me and others who value …
Photos & My Remarks from the Tea Party Versus Occupy Debate
On January 30, 2012, the Centennial Institute hosted a lively and healthy debate asking the question, “Does the Tea Party or the Occupy Movement best represent America’s needs and goals?” I was there to defend the Tea Party movement ideals, alongside Congressman Tom Tancredo. We were up against Colorado State …
Which Movement Speaks for America at its Best? Join me….
Is it the “Tea Party?” Or “Occupy?” With many voters leaving the Republican and Democratic parties even as 2012 politics heat up, the rising power of Tea Party groups on the right and Occupy groups on the left is more important than ever. But which movement really speaks for America …
Upcoming Colorado Tax Day Tea Parties ~ Thursday April 15, 2010
If you’re in Colorado and you love freedom, you’ve got to attend the 2010 Tax Day Tea Party nearest you. Below is the list of April 15th scheduled events across the state. This year, invite at least 3 people whom you know have never attended a freedom event before. Not only would that potentially quadruple last …