

Senator Ted Cruz and MM

Senator Ted Cruz and MM

Sean Hannity and mm at 2012 DU Presidential Debate.

WallBuilders’ Rick Green and mm.













I give one Founding Fathers Football away at each event I host. John & Cassie won this one at Rick Green’s Constitution Class in Monument, CO.













MM the radio blogger.












Anita MonCrief & MM. Anita is former Obama voter, ACORN whistle-blower, blogger at Anita is a brave hero for freedom.










Herein lies the heart of this political battle.










MM & Alice Linahan at the Alamo










CO State House Rep Kevin Grantham, MM, CO State Senator Kevin Lundberg

Geert Wilders and mm. Geert is a Dutch Parliamentarian and author of “Marked for Death.” Yes, he is marked for death worldwide. Read his book to learn more. It will change your life.

Sharing Freedom Power Tools Intro with concerned parents.

Wallbuilders’ Rick Green & MM.











Robert Spencer, mm, Pamela Gellar











Tom Tancredo and MM.












John Graham, Dr. Jill Vecchio, Dan Lamborn, US Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO), US Congressman Tom Price (GA), MM






Fox News’ Catherine Herridge and MM.

Charles Krauthammer and MM.

Tax Day 2011 at Colorado State Capitol

Independence Institute – Vern Bickel Award 2010

Independence Institute’s Jon Caldara and MM.

Michelle and Beck September 2010

On the radio

Michelle as Panelist at Western Conservative Summit 2010


Michelle the Panelist at Western Conservative Summit 2010

Tax Day Tea Party 2010 – Colorado Springs

Candidate Debate 2010

Candidate Debate 2010

Candidate Debate 2010

Political Power Tools Workshop – Woodland Park