Does the Colorado GOP delegation support the power and influence of the individual… or does it prefer a more tyrannical top-down party? Well, shock. The big RNC brawl is on, and as of right now Colorado can’t claim unity and solidarity against power-grabbers who would strip individuals of their influence …
Tea Party Movement
Biden: Imagine Where We'd Be if the Tea Party Hadn't Obstructed Us [VIDEO]
More from the most embarrassing man who ever sat in the seat of Vice President…. but this time he’s probably right (can’t believe I just wrote that). Where would we be if the “tea party” hadn’t obstructed all that it has? h/t Washington Examiner’s Charlie Spiering ——————————- Michelle Morin is a …
4th Annual Colorado Springs Tax Day Tea Party – Sunday April 15
in Events, Tea Party Movement, USA Founding Principles, We the People
on April 11, 2012
|This nation is in a Constitutional crisis. It’s time to rally together, unite around America’s founding principles, and send a clear message to those who would fundamentally transform this greatest of all nations. It’s time to go to the 2012 Election Year Tax Day Tea Party Please join me and others who value …
Photos & My Remarks from the Tea Party Versus Occupy Debate
On January 30, 2012, the Centennial Institute hosted a lively and healthy debate asking the question, “Does the Tea Party or the Occupy Movement best represent America’s needs and goals?” I was there to defend the Tea Party movement ideals, alongside Congressman Tom Tancredo. We were up against Colorado State …