Jason Hunt
Jason Hunt is both the world’s best producer and major contributor to the Michelle Morin Show since 2016. Jason is multi-talented and brings a unique angle to the show, being that he is both a millennial and a minority – he’s Polynesian (the most minority of all minorities – talk about multicultural)! In addition to Michelle’s show, Jason produces several other talk shows and manages every technical and production aspect of a top rated radio station in Colorado. Jason is in high demand for his technical expertise, intellect, integrity, and endearing personality everywhere he goes. Jason brings a wealth of knowledge and diverse perspective to the show. As a former liberal and youngest guy on the team, he loves to play devil’s advocate during the show to keep us humble and on our toes!
Don Rodgers has been a contributor to Michelle’s blog and guest contributor on her show since 2016. Don has been an influential political activist and leader in Colorado since 2008, and has been recognized as the most influential conservative on Colorado social media. Don has spent years overseas and experienced communism and corrupt governments up close via 24 years in Asia and Europe, both in uniform and working for the Department of Defense. He is the founder, leader, and organizer of the local 9-12 Project Pikes Peak Patriots. Don has organized and led successful political and issue campaigns to include significant opposition against ObamaCare, Colorado’s “AmyCare,” Colorado’s Amendment 69 “Colorado Care,” and the Sierra Club on local energy issues. Don has actively helped get several solid conservatives elected to the CO House of Representatives and El Paso County Board of Commissioners, and was a chairman within the GOP before leaving the Republican party due to its ineffectiveness. Don spearheaded and founded the Constitutional Champions camp in Colorado Springs, an annual summer camp for kids to learn interactively and hands on about what and how our exceptional nation was birthed. Don brings hard-hitting and clear truths to the show, with unique insight from his years of experience overseas, as a military veteran, and as a former Democrat. Find Don on Twitter and Facebook.