by Bob Adelmann
When three Democrats said they were going to side with Republicans on two of the gun bills being debated in Denver, the Democrats pulled them, claiming victory. By pulling the bills that would have included a gun ban on campuses and another holding firearms owners liable for damages, Democrats claimed victory over those that were left: a restriction on ammunition magazine limits, and universal background checks.
Nothing was said about the Constitutional right to bear arms in Section 13 of the state Constitution, which, just for the record says:
The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property … shall be called in question…
and precious little had to do with logic. Instead it was all about feelings. Senate President John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) led the way:
Cleansing a sickness from our souls doesn’t come easy.
Mike Johnston (D-Denver) claimed these were “policy” questions, not constitutional ones:
What is before us is not a constitutional question but a policy question.
Mary Hodge (D-Adams County) said:
This bill is merely an attempt to reduce the slaughter.
But Ted Harvey (D-South Denver) took the prize. When Amanda Collins said that if she had had a gun she would have been able to repel an attacker who raped her, Harvey replied:
What we’re trying to do here tonight is not protect ourselves from violent crime … but to protect students and teachers from feeling uncomfortable by you carrying a gun to protect yourself. (emphasis added)
I’m not making this up. Watch Harvey’s “explanation” here – you’ll find it at the 1:30 point in the video.
Even Governor Hickenlooper is drinking from the same glass, claiming with a straight face that he supports all of the bills and will sign any that reach his desk, but
I’m not in any way an anti-gun person.
That’s really good to know, Governor, as guns don’t have feelings and we certainly wouldn’t want them to be offended, would we?
Bob Adelmann has his own blog at Light from the Right and is a writer for The New American.
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