Most of tonight’s show was a Special Edition spent with Candace Owens, listen to it here. However, Jason and I couldn’t help but add a post script with a few more newsworthy items that we know Big Media will never tell you about.
Post Script Segment: Did you know that the Alexa A.I. gets all passive-aggressive silent treatment if you try to talk sexist with her? But Google’s A.I. can’t tell you who God or Jesus Christ is. Is Trump caving, or is he really turning out to be the Great Negotiator when it comes to all this amnesty talk? And should Oxford college women be given more time to take college exams because they can’t complete them in the same time as the guys can?
Source links and some more that Big Media won’t tell you about:
President Trump tweets his real reason for “supporting” amnesty, here and here
New York Governor Cuomo wants you to pay for illegal immigrant Dreamers’ college educations
NFL rejects veterans’ ad urging folks to “Stand”, yet forms social justice group “Let’s Listen Together”
WATCH: Hillary thanks “activist bitches for being bitches”
Hillary protected a “man of faith” advisor who sexually abused a female assistant – are you surprised???
SCOTUS Justice Ginsburg won’t attend Trump’s State of the Union
Spoiled Hollywood elites will host “People’s State of the Union” Monday night
What to expect from the intelligence memo about top law enforcement surveillance abuse
Mohammed quickly becoming most popular boys’ name in Germany
WATCH: Google’s AI Device has no clue who Jesus or God is, but talks all about Mohammed and Buddha
George Soros threatens Trump??? “Clearly I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world, But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020 or even sooner.”
Rich elite leftist politicians scoff at $1,000 employee bonuses, those are “crumbs” and “don’t go very far” – Gee, I guess they know better than we serfs.
A 38-year-old adult male Chicago guy who sexually assaulted 3 girls aged 6-8 years old admits he did it, but identifies himself as a 9-year-old – To what septic depths have identity politics brought us.
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