Learn more. Read my full article “Which is Superior: Invasive Fingers or our Constitution?” here. Comments and feedback always welcome. Michelle Morin is Mom4Freedom, a conservative blogger, speaker, and patriot for freedom and America’s founding principles. Join her for valuable freedom updates here.
Which is Superior: Invasive Fingers or our Constitution?
No matter how you slice it, mandatory TSA screenings and pat-downs are both problematic and unconstitutional. I’ve blogged about the TSA screenings before here, here, here, and here. Now, a recent battle over TSA screenings in Texas has shed more light on the precarious position in which our Constitution and freedom lie. The Fourth …
2 Months Later TSA Still Hasn't Released X-Ray Inspection Reports
The unelected, unaccountable, mammoth-sized, citizen-molesting and Constitution-violating Transportation Security Administration is not being straight with either the American public OR the very Congress that granted its position and power. According to USA Today’s February 9th article “‘Inexcusable’ delay on TSA body-scanner safety reports” written by Alison Young, a whopping 15 million travelers “received …
TSA Versus a Pilot with a Gun and a Camera
Watch this 12/23/10 Fox News video featuring formerly anonymous “Patriot Pilot” Chris Liu. In it, an anonymous Liu explains undercover video footage he shot at the San Francisco airport where he exposes lapses in our new version of “national security” via Transportation Security Administration airport passenger screenings. He explains that while “upstairs” at …