Word is that final vote for health care bill will be 8:00am Christmas Eve morning.
Even though it’s likely to pass, I encourage those of you who are actively engaged in fighting the national health care battle: don’t give up. Let’s pick up, brush off the dust, and stay on target…we’ll have new targets and different strategies after the Congressional Christmas break. There is also lot of talk about challenging the legality/constitutionality of the bill.
Some of the articles below take a justifiably pessimistic view, but pessimism is a view to which I refuse to subscribe. I understand the irreversible consequences and ramifications of Obamacare, that they are some of the worst this country would experience… which is why I fight so hard. The stakes are too high to stop, and if we give up mentally and/or actually, we have allowed the left to invoke a psychological chokehold over us that will defeat us in the end.
Remember…. anything can happen. Grassroots groups comprised of We the People are taking vital steps to collaborate and make productive things happen… at local, state and national levels. I have faith that, in some measure, we will ultimately achieve victory for truth and our founding principles.
“With all the creative energy at our command, let’s begin an era of national renewal. Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength. And let us renew our faith and our hope… To believe that together, with God’s help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us. And after all, why shouldn’t we believe that? We are Americans!” ~ Ronald Reagan
Have a very Merry Christmas.
Health Care Links
The Senate Health Care Bill:
- Harry Reid slips in a bombshell for Obamacare foes
- Senate Marxist Reid To make it almost Impossible to Repeal ObamaCare
- Obamacare Will Alienate Americans
- Pain Before Gain in Health Care Overhaul
- Young, Invincible, and Now Forced to Shell Out for Health Care
What’s Next:
- Kristol: It Could Still Go Down
- Several Prosecutors Probing Health Care Deal
- Obama Plans for Health Care Delay, New Jobs Bill
- The Six Key Issues the House Must Cave On Before Obamacare Becomes Law
What We Can Learn From This… and Why We Won’t Give Up:
- What Soviet Medicine Teaches Us
- The Irreversible Consequences of Senate Passage of a National Health Care Bill – Our lawmakers should never have taken their eyes off the ball of protecting our freedom and Constutition… they legitimized healthcare as viable legislation, they went after the decoy of negotiating healthcare details, and in process allowed the monster of Marxism to overtake them. This is what I’ve been saying all along… RedState’s “civil_truth” elaborates well on this message.
Other Links
- VIDEO: The Decline: The Geography of a Recesssion A MUST-SEE video displaying the national unemployment numbers on a county by county basis.
- VIDEO: Red, Red Meat: Gingrich Rallies the Base to Take Back Congress Watch Newt from the 7-minute mark: Password “Victory or Death” while marching in burlap wrapped feet through the snow: This is what it will take to turn our nation back!
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