by Michelle Morin

Photo 9News
A suspect in Colorado’s Department of Corrections Executive Director Tom Clements’ horrific murder has been identified as former Colorado inmate Evan Ebel.
Ebel was found in Texas Thursday, and a police chase and shootout ensued resulting in Ebel’s death. The gun found in Ebel’s possession was the same caliber and shell casings as those in Clements’ murder. Evan Ebel is also the son of Jack Ebel, a friend of Governor Hickenlooper’s. Jack Ebel donated $1,050 to Hickenlooper’s election campaign.
Denver’s 9News interviewed Hickenlooper today, and asked the obvious tough questions.
Excerpts from that interview (but readers really must see the full video interview below):
Hickenlooper: An old friend of mine named Jack Ebel. He was one of the nicest, most generous people I’ve known.
9News: Did you play any role in this suspect’s getting out of ad seg or prison?
Hickenlooper: No. I never talked to anyone, never specifically named him to anyone. A) Jack would never ask me. B) I would never do it. For a friend I would not ask on Jack’s behalf without telling Jack. Tom Clements had never heard of Evan Ebel.
9News: Did Jack Ebel donate to you or your campaign?
Hickenlooper: Oh yeah I’m sure he did. Almost all my old friends from those early years … would have supported me.
9News: Can you assure Coloradans, even if he donated money to your campaign that you played no role in any of this situation?
Hickenlooper: What a stupid question, why would you even ask that question? I just got through teling you, right that, A) I wouldn’t do it. I told you I didn’t do it, so now you’re asking me that question again? I mean, that’s your choice, but you lose your ability to have access when you treat people like that. So you got one question and I’m done.
9News: Let’s just move on.
Hickenlooper: It’s just ridiculous!
9News: We just want to give you the chance to answer the question.
Hickenlooper: You gave me the question! You already asked me the question! My God!
9News: You said he served his entire term?
Hickenlooper: That’s what I was told.
9News: You know when he was released?
Hickenlooper: I don’t. I could find it out for you.
The excerpts I’ve included do this interview only partial justice.
Readers must see it to believe it. Watch it here, from 9News:
I welcome my readers’ comments and thoughts about all of this.
What do you think about this interview, specifically Hickenlooper’s reaction? Leave your comments below.
Yesterday I posted about this murder, its then-potential terrorist ties, and our Governor’s initial response to the murder: “I can hardly believe it” followed by hiding behind tax-payer funded and well-armed security. All while signing away Colorado citizens’ own right to bear same arms in same self-defense. As I posted then, I’m relieved this is proving unrelated to terrorism, but the post reveals how deeply involved the Saudi government has been in defending and subsequently attempting to repatriate a Colorado Muslim inmate convicted of a horrific crime. All this, with no comment from our governor against such international pressure in a gruesome conviction in our own state. If you value freedom, it’s all information you need to know. Read it here.
Michelle Morin is a conservative blogger and speaker for freedom and America’s founding principles. Join her for updates here.
Arrogant. No sense of humor. All J-Hic had to do was laugh, say “didn’t I just answer that? Let me say one more time…” Clearly defensive, and rightfully so.
No one has ever taken a hard look at him. He reported that he made $6 million in his next to last year as Mayor, I’ve not seen a report of his earnings since then. $6 million!
Recent marital breakup, so he’s organized a fundraiser to fix up the Governors Mansion, raising private money for public projects is something he’s very good at, makes it harder for charities in Denver to raise money for non-governmental projects.
He’s been seen in Target, white SUV parked on sidewalk, security with him, obviously J-Hic intoxicated, handle of whiskey in each hand staggering to the cash register.
He bought Smalldone (family with links to organized crime) restaurant while Mayor, has remodeled it, staff says he’s in there all the time, when asked about it he says it’s in blind trust, I’d like to see this sort of serious reporting on it
Opened another restaurant on Colfax, sold it to some sucker who folded, I’ll bet there is an interesting story there,never reported in Denver media.
His big project as mayor was the Road Home, was going to eliminate homelessness. Run by Roxanne White, who had very little experience, now J-Hic’s chief of staff and they are said to be VERY close. Annual homeless census 10,000 when the program started, 22,0000 most recent count!!! Homeless, who were supposed to be reduced to virually zero have more than doubled and the local media says nothing!
I can see why he has a short temper and wants to keep reporters who ask hard questions far, far away.
Hickey is a crook, he works for the big boys in Washington and has made it clear that he couldn’t give less of a shyte what Colorado wants. This clown deserves no respect and should be indicted for his criminal behavior.