Breakdown for 11/02/09 Health Care
Alert & Updates
- URGENT ALERT: Contact House Representatives – Tell them to KILL the BILL… it’s likely to drop on the House floor this week!
- Health Care Update Links
- Join the causes Stop Obama’s Health Care Plan and Stop State-Run Healthcare Colorado (Even if you don’t live in Colorado, this will affect your state)
1) URGENT ALERT: Contact Representatives – Tell them to KILL the BILL… it’s likely to drop on the House floor this week!
We’re at the wire in the battle against socialized medicine… contact your Representatives and tell them to KILL the HEALTHCARE BILL in its entirety: NO negotiating, NO compromise. Phone, fax, email… stop by your Representatives’ local offices and deliver a hand-written letter. And don’t stop until the battle is over in the House…
- First: Contact your state House Representatives. Go Congress Merge and find your Representatives’ contact information:
- Next: Contact the Blue Dog Democrats in your state (scroll down to see complete list):
- Then: Spread the word.. Forward this information!
2) Health Care Update Links
Facts about Pelosi’s HR 3962 “Affordable Healthcare for America Act…”
- Here’s the bill… all 1990 pages of it!
- The Congressional Budget Office’s “analysis” of HR 3962:
Factual Analysis of HR3962… this is the stuff you want to read…
- Don’t want to read 1990 pages of bureaucratic bunk? Read this detailed summary of HR 3962:
- CBO underestimates the benefits of malpractice reform:
- Just a few of the reasons you want to stop Speaker Pelosi’s version of healthcare:
- House healthcare bill uses term “tax” 87 times:
- Comprehensive list of taxes in the House bill:
What you can expect this week on Capitol Hill…
- In the House, HR3962 could be on the floor as early as Thursday:
- In the Senate, we wait for Senator Reid…:
- BUT… Senator Reid is hiding his Senate HC bill from us:
3) Join the causes Stop Obama’s Health Care Plan and Stop State-Run Healthcare Colorado (Even if you don’t live in Colorado, this will affect your state)
Join the Facebook cause to Stop Obama’s Health Care Plan here:
Did you know… the Colorado State Legislature is currently proposing government-run health care for Colorado!?!? Join the cause to Stop State-Run Healthcare Colorado and help stop this outrageous freedom-choking legislation at the state level.
Colorado has become a pivotal state: it’s been said that as goes Colorado so goes the rest of the nation. If government-run healthcare were to pass in Colorado, it would only embolden other states to do likewise… maybe even yours! Help us set the right precedent! By supporting the effort to kill government-run health care in Colorado, you are affecting future outcomes in other states!
Join here:
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