This is Part 8 in my series about ObamaCare health care exchanges. Be sure to read the entire series here.
Health care exchanges are simply this: State-level bureaucracies that ObamaCare must coerce into existence. Without them, there is no ObamaCare implementation. Without them, the federal government hasn’t the hands it needs to meddle into and control the health care of every American citizen.
Listen to CATO’s Michael Cannon share the nuts and bolts truth about health care exchanges in Colorado. Below the audio clip are some excerpts I’ve pulled from Mr. Cannon’s interview.
Michael F. Cannon discusses health care exchanges on KOA’s The Mike Rosen Show 12/29/10
Excerpts from Mr. Cannon’s Interview
“What’s going to happen with these exchanges is we are all going to be marched into a narrow range of very expensive plans where it’s very difficult for sick people to get the care that they need. What we have is a effective government takeover of health insurance even though we still hang the word “private” on top of it. These health insurance exchanges are very dangerous things and something that states shuld be in no hurry to enact. ObamaCare may not even be on the books in 2014 when these exchanges are supposed to take effect.”
“When the federal government says you must purchase health insurance … it has to define what counts as health insurance… on the day that government defines what constitutes qualified health insurance… all sorts of health care providers … line up outside the door … and demand that their services … are included in that mandatory health insurance policy.”
“… what these provider groups are interested in is forcing the government to purchase coverage for the services they provide because that is guaranteed income for them.”
” eventually everybody will have to get their healthinsurance through these exchanges. It’s about the federal government taking away from states the power to regulate haelth insurance …
“What states should be doing is saying, “Look this law might not be on the books in another year we are not going to waste our taxpayers’ hard earned money by creating this new bureaucracy, only to see that bureaucracy thrown out by federal courts. We’re gonna wait until these federal lawsuits are resolved and the Constitutional status of ObamaCare is resolved before we make any sort of decision about creating an exchange or take any of the other federal money or mandates in this law.”
“The federal government is dictating how the exchanges must be setup. All the important decisions are gonna be coming from the federal government and the states are left with effectively no discretion.”
“Even the Utah exchange is going to have to operate under federal rules dictating what kinds of insurance to purchase and dictating the price for that insurance, and of course you will be compelled to purchase that insurance whether you want to or not if ObamaCare remains on the books … All the important decisions will be coming from Washington.”
“When the federal government says you must purchase health insurance … it has to define what counts as health insurance… on the day that government defines what constitutes qualified health insurance… all sorts of health care providers … line up outside the door … and demand that their services … are included in that mandatory health insurance policy.”
“… what these provider groups are interested in is forcing the government to purchase coverage for the services they provide because that is guaranteed income for them.”
Now that you’ve heard the truth… do you have any doubt that ANY health care exchanges in Colorado right now are poison to freedom?
Will Colorado’s Republicans Bring us Health Care Exchanges?
As I write this post, exchanges are on the table in Colorado’s state legislature. They will be voted on within days. Check out Colorado SB 11-200 here. This is a bill being co-sponsored by Colorado State House Representative Majority Leader Amy Stephens(R) and Colorado State Senator Betty Boyd(D). The purpose of the bill is “creating a process for the implementation of a health benefit exchange in Colorado.”
Do You Want Colorado Republicans to Facilitate ObamaCare in Colorado?
If you say NO, like CATO’s Michael Cannon, contact every Colorado Republican TODAY and tell them to refuse facilitating ObamaCare, vote NO on SB11-200. Go to and easily email every legislator at the State Capitol now.
Do it now… SB11-200 is scheduled for a vote within days.
Michelle Morin is Mom4Freedom, a conservative blogger, speaker, and patriot for freedom and America’s founding principles. Join her for valuable freedom updates here.
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