by Michelle Morin
Senator contact information, bill details, and links to watch it all live are included in this post.
Colorado Senate Republicans plan on invoking a “Teachable Moment” (i.e., a filibuster) today with the lawmakers who would criminalize innocent Coloradans.
From Denver’s KDVR Fox 31:
Senate Republicans are planning a Rand Paul-esque filibuster on the legislation that could push the floor debate on the seven bills, which begins Friday at 9 a.m., into Saturday and possibly even Sunday.
There are 20 Democrats in the 35-member state Senate. With 18 votes needed to pass any bill, no votes from just three Democratic senators would kill any of these bills. Right now, two Democrats are planning to vote against three of them. Sen. Cheri Jahn, D-Wheat Ridge, and Sen. Lois Tochtrop, D-Thornton, both oppose House Bill 1224, a ban on high-capacity magazines; House Bill 1226, a ban on concealed weapons on college campuses; and Senate Bill 196, a proposal to make assault weapons manufacturers and retailers liable for any crimes.
A third Democrat NO vote is needed to kill these bills.
Sen. Andy Kerr, D-Lakewood, has yet to commit to any bill other than House Bill 1229, which mandates universal background checks on all gun sales. Sen. Linda Newell, D-Littleton, is also uncommitted.
About the planned filibuster, Colorado State Senator Ted Harvey(R) said this on Facebook.
Many of my friends have asked if the Repubican Senators are going to filibuster the Democrat’s unconstitional gun bills today. Rather than referring to our very extended discussion as a filibuster, we would prefer to look at it as…our “teachable moment”.
This from Colorado State Senator Chris Holbert’s (R) Facebook page this morning:
God bless the eighteen men and women who will stand for We the People today as members of the Colorado Senate:
Senator David Balmer R – Arapahoe County
Senator Randy Baumgardner, R – Northwestern Colorado
Senator Greg Brophy, R- Eastern Colorado
Senator Bill Cadman, R – El Paso County
Senator Larry Crowder , R- Southeast Colorado
Senator Kevin J. Grantham, R – South Central Colorado
Senator Ted Harvey, R – Douglas County
Senator Owen Hill, R – El Paso County
Senator Cheri Jahn, D – Jefferson County
Senator Steve King, R – Mesa County
Senator Kent Lambert, R – El Paso County
Senator Kevin Lundberg, R – Larimer County
Senator Vicki Marble, R – Broomfield, Larimer, Weld Counties
Senator Scott Renfroe, R – Weld County
Senator Ellen Roberts, R – Southwest Colorado
Senator Mark Scheffel, R – Douglas County
Senator Lois Tochtrop, D – Adams County
Senator _____________, D – _______________Pray for #18, whoever he or she might be.
It wouldn’t hurt to offer thanks and a kind word of support to those who have committed to vote with and for law-abiding citizens.
Details outlining the gun bills on Colorado Senate floor today, in an email from Colorado Senator Kevin Lundberg.
From Senator Lundberg:
March 7, 2013
Dear Michelle,
Gun Bills on Senate Floor on Friday
On Monday, I heard testimony on four of the “gun bills” in the Senate Judiciary committee and voted NO for each one. However, they all passed on party-line votes. The Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs committee heard three bills. All these bills passed on party-line votes. These bills are now scheduled for second reading this Friday on the Senate floor. We expect the debate to last many hours, possibly well past midnight.
You can watch the debate live on your TV if you have the Colorado Channel 165 on Comcast cable. Or, you can watch on line through the Colorado Legislative web site at Or, through Colorado Channel website
Here is a brief description of all the bills we will be considering:
HB 1224: Bans magazines with a capacity of more than 15 bullets. Magazines owned prior to the ban can be kept but cannot be transferred or sold. (Judiciary)
HB 1226: Prohibits concealed carry on public college campuses. (State Affairs)
HB 1228: Charges fees for background checks. (State Affairs)
HB 1229: Requires a background check to be conducted by a licensed firearms dealer before any sale or transfer of a firearm. “Transfer” includes lending a firearm to a friend. (State Affairs)
SB 195: requires concealed carry permit applicants to complete training in-person. This bill bans online instruction. (Judiciary)
SB 196: makes users, owners, sellers, distributors, and manufacturers of semi-automatic firearms liable for harm caused by any firearm that was under their control at one point in time and is later misused by someone else. (Judiciary)
SB 197: prohibits people who have committed domestic violence offense from possessing firearms, including both misdemeanor and felony offenses. People charged with these crimes must relinquish all firearms they possess.
For Life and Liberty!
Kevin Lundberg
Colorado State Senator
District 15
Please help Colorado, help defend freedom and your own Second Amendment right.
Call, email, and pray for Colorado State Senators today. Here’s contact information for all 35 Senators.
Watch this “teachable moment” live and online.
Watch on line through the Colorado Legislative web site at, or through Colorado Channel website
What happens here in Colorado today will impact freedom in every state.
Thank you to every lawmaker who is taking a stand against this, and thanks to all my co-patriots who are volunteering their time to support and testify against these bills at the Capitol. If I could be there with you, I would.
Michelle Morin is a conservative blogger and speaker for freedom and America’s founding principles. Join her for updates here.
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