Colorado Democrats' Warped Ways of "Protecting Children" – Ram 4 Anti-Gun Laws, Kill Jessica's Law, Teach Kids Comprehensive Sex

by Stephanie Fisher


Jessica Lunsford

Last week, and as always in the name of safety and “protecting the children,” Colorado State House Democrats sure were in a hurry to pass 4 anti-gun bills which make it harder for parents to protect their own children.

House Bill 1224 – will ban magazines with a capacity greater than 15 rounds

House Bill 1226 – Repeals current law allowing individuals with a concealed carry permit to carry a firearm for self-defense on a college or university campus

House Bill 1228 – Imposes a “gun tax” for a background check when purchasing a firearm.

House Bill 1229 – Criminalizes the private transfer of a firearm. (Universal Background Checks)

And when it comes to “protecting the children,” it seems that our Democrat friends at the CO State House have consistently misguided priorities.

In a 7-4 party line committee vote, these same Colorado Democrats killed Jessica’s Law for Colorado, HB 13-1149.

From 9News:

On Wednesday [February 13, 2013], the father of a 9-year-old who was brutally raped and killed in Florida in 2005 was in Denver testifying in support of Jessica’s Law.

“The most amazing part are the states that did [pass Jessica’s law] without me testifying,” Lunsford said. “They did not need influence from parents or organizations or the people, they did it on their own. Other states do not need to be convinced they just need to be sure that they are doing it the right way.”

“Mandatory sentencing to protect children from pedophiles should be a ‘no brainer,'” state Rep. Libby Szabo, the sponsor of House Bill 1149.  “Forty percent of released sexual offenders perpetrate a new crime within a year of being released, and the majority of the children they molest are kids under 13.”

See more from 9News here.

A no-brainer?  Not if you’re a Democrat.

Colorado remains only one of five states that have not passed a version of Jessica’s Law.  Had the Democrats passed this law, the Jessica Lunsford Acta, aka Jessica’s Law, would have increased the penalty for lewd and lascivious molestation of a child to life in prison or a split sentence of a mandatory minimum 25-year prison term, followed by lifetime supervision with electronic monitoring.  Read more about Jessica’s Law which Democrats shot down, here.

But wait, there’s more.  Colorado Democrat lawmakers won’t pass Jessica’s Law, but they will instead focus their energies on a new “comprehensive sexuality education” bill – for the children.

Their new comprehensive sex education bill that – among other things – will undermine the rights of parents deciding when and how to discuss sexual issues with their children HB 13- 1081, passed its third reading in the House on February 21st.  From the bill summary:

“The bill moves and adds language to the content standards for the instruction of comprehensive human sexuality education.  … Schools that receive funding for local comprehensive health education programs are required to implement an opt-out policy rather than an opt-in policy for comprehensive health and sexuality education programs.”

After all, more sex education will “protect” children, but locking up pedophiles will not.


It appears that Colorado Democrats really don’t want to protect our children.


Stephanie Fisher is a conservative writer and political activist in Colorado.  


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