Wow. Freedom has momentum here in Colorado. 90 freedom-loving American patriots packed into the Mason Jar Restaurant in Colorado Springs tonight for the Colorado caucus training and a mock caucus hosted by the Coalition for a Conservative Majority. And this is just one of many such events going on around Colorado.
I post these photos to share firsthand the groundswell of freedom-loving, ordinary We the People here in Colorado. The people gathered here tonight are not “establishment” types, and they certainly aren’t “astro-turf,” as the left would like all to believe. These are people I go to church with… my neighbors… folks I’ve met at tea parties and rallies… a woman I met at the local shooting club… Bible study friends… small business owners… pastors… teachers… lawyers… painters… engineers… mothers and fathers… grandparents… high school and elementary students… and so many more. And they weren’t just from Colorado Springs, we had several visitors from Denver and Teller County.
It was standing-room only. These amazing patriots spent over 2 hours packed into a room made for 50… and they learned about the ultimate Political Power Tool we call the caucus. They sat in on a mock caucus and asked dozens of questions. These folks have energy, commitment, and love for their country. THESE are the ones who will take this state and nation back.
Thank you to all who came out tonight. These freedom-loving, ordinary We the People patriots have started something. Never underestimate the power of these “grassroots” Americans.
Look out… an avalanche has begun.
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