Another credible source reveals big media’s deceptive, liberal bias.
Just found this from a July 3, 2012 Fox News interview. A few months old, but worth sharing:
When asked how the liberal media is treating him since changing his opinion on the mosque, filmmaker Eric Allen Bell said this:
“Well, they don’t return my calls. They loved me when I was saying this was a civil rights issue. The only media that’s paying attention to this issue when I present facts, scary facts, are the conservative media. That’s where I get invited to go on the radio and on television. The liberal media, which I didn’t believe existed before this, I thought that was invented by Rush Limbaugh, there is a liberal media and they do have a bias, they’re not interested in this story. I spent an hour doing an pre-interview with National Public Radio, and I presented a lot of alarming evidence to them, and they didn’t do anything with it.
There’s a perceptive disability that a lot of liberals have.”
h/t Grace Young
Michelle Morin is a conservative blogger and speaker for freedom and America’s founding principles. Join her for updates here.
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