Gabby Giffords (Mrs. Mark Kelly) Expands the Definition of Hypocrisy


by Bob Adelmann

I tried to minimize Mark Kelly’s hypocrisy in my article yesterday, preferring to focus attention on his ideologically absurd position on gun controls. I figured that his hypocrisy of purchasing an AR15 for himself (along with a semi-automatic pistol) while pushing for controls against such ownership by the rest of us had been covered sufficiently, and more than sufficiently, elsewhere.

But then something happened. Three months before her near-fatal incident in Tucson, she decided that she needed to put out a little propaganda piece to ingratiate herself with pro-gun supporters. So she arranged to go to a shooting range where some local law enforcement officials helped her shoot an AR15. While she was there, of course, she took advantage of a photo opportunity. Here’s the photo.


Following the shooting, the media dropped this little beauty down the memory hole. But following her husband’s grand exposure of his own hypocrisy, some of those present at the shooting range with Giffords just couldn’t take it anymore, and released the photo. picked it up.

The individual (unnamed) who provided the photo said:

We were told she wanted to toughen her image. She asked to come out and she wanted to shoot a rifle. She had one of our guys out there to show her how to shoot an AR-15.

Following the shooting, it appears that Giffords and Kelly had a little change of heart and decided to jump on the anti-gun bandwagon, forming their own anti-gun organization, Americans for Responsible Solutions.

Once the photo hit the internet, Giffords knew that the jig was up. She had to come clean. Here’s the link to her Facebook page along with the hidden just-leaked photo and her “explanation”:

Here are two photos of me that a conservative blog has dug up. I remember both of these days fondly. The first is at the Tucson Police Department firing range. They invited me to test rifles and tasers that they bought with federal funds, which I helped secure.
You can read the rest of her “explanation” if you care to. It redefines and expands the traditional definition of hypocrisy.


A graduate of Cornell University and a former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American magazine and blogs frequently at, primarily on economics and politics. He can be reached at

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