Are you on Facebook? Join the cause to Stop Obama’s Health Care Plan here:
Take action…
Be heard! Tell Democratic leaders that We the People want no form of nationalized health care. Tell Republican leaders to stand strong and allow no compromise… remind them they must not allow themselves to get bullied into a sham compromise that hurts Americans! Tell them to KILL THE HEALTHCARE BILL – there is no other option. If we assume SOME bill will pass, we can pretty well bet that prophecy will become self-fulfilling and some bill WILL pass.
Even if you’ve already contacted them, do it again… The fight is not over yet! Until we win this war against nationalized health care, their phones and fax lines must not stop ringing and their email inboxes must be inundated with voices against nationalized health care.
Contact your US Representatives and Senators here:
Confused by the health care lingo? The language being tossed around is designed to mislead and re-label the same old package of nationalized health care…
The MUST KNOW Obamacare Translator Glossary of Health Care terms:
Reminder: this battle is not about healthcare…
From Star Parker: Why We’re Talking About Race Again:
How doctors, the uninsured, and employers would be affected by the nationalized health care monster…
45% of Doctors Would Consider Quitting if Congress Passes Healthcare Overhaul:
Do the Uninsured Have Higher Mortality Rates? New Study Uses Faulty Methodology; Exaggerates Results:
Study: US Employers Will Defray Health Reform Costs:
As always, information on more failed government health care models…
Medicare is No Model for Reform:
FREE BOOK on PDF: “Shattered Lives: 100 Victims of Government Health Care:”
You need to know about a Senate option called the “Budget Reconciliation Bill.” They may pull out all the stops with this one…
Reconciliation 101: A “Nuclear” Abuse of Power:
3 Articles written by Keith Hennessy explain the reconciliation option and how it could affect the health care bills currently proposed in the Senate:
- What is Reconciliation?
- How Reconciliation Might Be Used for Health Care Reform:
- Doing Health Care Through Reconciliation is Even Harder than I Thought:
And more from the Senate, here is the Baucus Bill (i.e., The Healthy Future Act of 2009)…
From Heritage: The Baucus Health Bill, A First Look:
Seven fatal flaws of the Baucus bill:
See the original bill here “America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009:”
And some final notes…
From AFP: Most Sponsors of HR676 (Canada-Style, Single-Payer Health Care) Voted to Keep Funding ACORN:
You Know Obamacare’s in trouble when…
Health Care Is A Right, But… :
White House desperately “leaning towards center”… Dems: No Taxpayer Funds for Abortions:
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