When Disaster Strikes, Colorado Springs Pulls Together

Yesterday, I dropped off some food and hygiene donations to the local Care & Share here in Colorado Springs.  As I drove in, my stunned kids spoke exactly what I was thinking:  “Are all these people donating to the firefighters and evacuees like we are?  That’s SO nice when people are in trouble like this!”

Yep.  See for yourself.  The drive-in line never stopped, and it was almost a constant trail of cars backed into the road at 2605 Preamble Point in Colorado Springs.   Volunteers were numerous and buzzing as they received and sorted donation items.  Reminded me of the Chik-Fil-A drive-through:  non-stop cars, fast-moving, happy and helpful volunteers.

List of suggested donation items at end of this post.


Here’s the latest list of requested donation items:

Updated: June 27, 2012 7:10 p.m.

At present time, Care and Share Food Bank is requesting the following items for the Waldo Canyon Fire efforts, in order of importance:

-Canned and boxed meals

-Macaroni and Cheese


-Beef Stew



-#10 cans of fruits and vegetables

-Snack Items

-Granola bars

-Beef Jerky

-Protein bars

-Personal Care products

-NEW towels and washcloths




-shaving crème

-tooth paste


-hand sanitzer


Michelle Morin is a conservative blogger and speaker for freedom and America’s founding principles. Join her for updates here.

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