Freedom Heroes – Wisconsin Governor Walker, Lt Gov Kleefisch, and 18 GOP Senators

Today I introduce a new page on my blog entitled “Freedom Heroes.”  These are tough times for freedom in America.  She has been pushed so far from upright that it truly takes remarkable strength of character and resolve to fight the good fight and put her back. 

My first “Freedom Heroes” are Wisconsin Governor Scott WalkerLieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, and the 18 GOP State Senators who stood against an incredible tide of resistance, not only from local union members but also inappropriately from the White House.  Not only have they run up against historical resistance, they also received death threats as they neutralized the collective bargaining power the state unions have held over Wisconsin taxpayers for so many decades.  They are still receiving death threats for their actions.

Here are these stalwarts for freedom.  What they did wasn’t just for Wisconsin, it was a brave precedent for other states across this greatest nation. 

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch
 The 18 GOP Senators:
  • Senator Robert Cowles (R)
  • Senator Alberta Darling (R)
  • Senator Michael Ellis (R)
  • Senator Scott Fitzgerald (R)
  • Senator Pam Galloway (R)
  • Senator Glenn Grothman (R)
  • Senator Sheila Harsdorf (R)
  • Senator Randy Hopper (R)
  • Senator Dan Kapanke (R)
  • Senator Neil Kedzie (R)
  • Senator Frank Lasee (R)
  • Senator Mary Lazich (R)
  • Senator Joe Leibham (R)
  • Senator Terry Moulton (R)
  • Senator Luther Olsen (R)
  • Senator Leah Vukmir (R)
  • Senator Van Wanggaard (R)
  • Senator Rich Zipperer (R)
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